With the development of the Internet era, the number and popularity of creators in the metacosmic social field are growing, and the demand for new community participation methods and social interaction with creators is also increasing. In 2022, the metacosmic social field will ignite a new wave in the digital age again.
Star mosaic closely follows the industry development trend tuyere, arises at the Times require.Star mosaic is founded by IronFX international foreign exchange co., LTD., and INVON CAPITAL reflect fang capital, using “DEFI + NFT + social universe” in the integration of autonomy mechanism, the financial products in the universe social way, the rules of DeFi gamification, game props, derivatives NFT, and join the traditional game of social play, increase the participants of entertainment, interactive, enhance personal interest in the game.
The peak of the Star mosaic era, let’s look forward to it together!